Правна информация

About Drazheva Dance Center Web Site Legal Notice

This website is operated by Bulgarian Folklore Music and Dance Association AND
LogMan Association for Education and Science,
a grassroots non-profit organization of folklore, education and science registered in Varna, Bulgaria as a local law association.


P.O.B. 66,
9000 Varna Bulgaria
Tel: +359 (0) 52 62 70 42
E-mail: office@Drazheva.Dance"
Lawer Officer - Mrs. Bilyana Dyakova
BULSTAT: 103177918

Web hosting:

The website publication director is Mr. Ventcislav Drazhev at Drazheva.Dance.
Web hosting:
This website is hosted by:
Sofia. Bulgaria

Hyperlinks and copyright:

A number of pages in this website include links to external websites. These links are included to give you the opportunity to explore an issue in greater depth. However, Drazheva.Dance is not responsible for the content of these websites.
Users are permitted to copy some material for their personal use, but may not republish any substantial part of the material either on another web site or as part of any commercial service without the prior permission of Drazheva.Dance. Reproduction or use of the Drazheva.Dance web design are forbidden. If you wish to make a request to reproduce material, please send an e-mail to Drazheva.Dance at: mailto:office@Drazheva.Dance

Membership terms and conditions:

As a member of Drazheva.Dance, members accept the statutes of the Association.
Orse dancers and young dancers may benefit from reduced membership fees. To prove this status, Orse dancers and young dancers will be asked to provide Drazheva.Dance with a copy of such document. Once verified, this document will no longer be stored and will be removed from the Drazheva.Dance storage system.
The membership is valid for a year after registration and the subsequent payment.
If you have chosen membership which includes subscription to Drazheva Dance Journal, make sure that you pay your membership fee at least five weeks before your nature subscription expires. Drazheva.Dance cannot otherwise guarantee the delivery of the e journal.

A member may cancel his/her membership anytime,

  • - either by logging to his/her profile on www.Drazheva.Dance
  • - or by sending an email to: mailto:office@Drazheva.Dance"
  • - or by ordinary mail at: Drazheva.Dance P.O.B. 66, 9000 Varna, Bulgaria

In case of a membership cancellation by a member, Drazheva.Dance does not refund the membership fee.

By accepting the Drazheva.Dance General Terms and Conditions you also subscribe to the Drazheva.Dance newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, please go to your profile or send an email with a note unsubscribe in the subject line to: office@Drazheva.Dance

Your personal data are protected by Bulgarian law.
Drazheva.Dance shall not be responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance, in whole or in part, due to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond Drazheva.Dance control.

For questions or specific concerns about the membership terms and conditions, please contact the Drazheva.Dance office at office@Drazheva.Dance

Personal Data Protection:

In accordance with the European Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, the website and the database have been declared at the National Commission of Informatics and Civil Liberties (NCICL), which is the independent Bulgarian administrative authority protecting privacy and personal data.

Within this framework all persons registered in the database have a right to access and update the personal information about them and to ask for such information to be modified, rectified, and deleted.
Direct access to the information stored in our database is restricted to Members and staff of Drazheva.Dance. The data will, under no circumstances, be used for commercial purposes.

Financial Data Security:

Drazheva.Dance online financial system is secured by PayPal system (Integral Evolution) that uses SSL technology to keep your information safe. When a payment has been made using PayPal, the recipient (Drazheva.Dance) does not receive or store sensitive financial information like your credit card or bank account number.